发布时间:2020-07-29 作者: 奈特英语
今天我们要学的词是laundry list。 A laundry list意思是一长串杂乱无章的细目清单。日本反对党民主党以压倒性优势击败了统治日本政坛五十多年的自民党。"The Democratic Party of Japan now begins the task of delivering on a laundry list of promises made during the elections," 日本民主党如今要开始兑现竞选期间做出的一系列承诺了。
"The credit industry has a laundry list of red flags to look for that can damage the consumers' credit scores," 信贷工业会注意一系列示警信号,这些信号的出现会有损消费者的信用分数。好的,今天我们的词是laundry list...
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